“you don't know js,” written by who knows js
This post is for beginners or those who just started their career in javascript. in case you are experienced but still feel like you are not confident enough on js, I suggest you go through this post.
Understanding a programming language completely is never easy, that too in the case of javascript it near to impossible. Many tech-savvies have complained about understanding javascript and how it is working behind the scenes. There are many underlying concepts on how JS works and it is compiled. Without having such a deep understanding you cannot write an optimized program.
I have listed down all the concepts you need to be thorough enough even starting any javascript-related programs or even frameworks. I made a mistake here, I started writing programs in js without having so-called deep knowledge and now I am feeling bad about my mistakes.
List of concepts you should be thorough enough in javascript
- Execution Context
- How javaScript works with respect to Execution Context
- How javaScript is executed
- Hoisting of variables and functions
- How functions works and variable environment
- “Window” and “this” keywords.
- undefined vs not defined.
- scope chain, lexical scoping, lexical environment
- var, let, and const
- block scope and shadowing
- closures
- callbacks
- Event looping
- different types of functions and their declarations
- Event listeners
- Asynchronous operations
- setTimeout, setInterval setImmediate
Yes, if you are thorough enough on these concepts you are good to go on writing js programs. You can refer to any blog or resources for learning these but my suggestion is to learn from a book named
This book makes you an expert in Js
Thanks for reading :)